
2005 Westminster Ct. McKinney, Texas 75070

Coaches and Contacts


18u Texas Glory (Abilene)

Rocky Ellis redrock1979@gmail.com 325 518 8928

2012 Texas Glory (WTX)

Richard Fergeson rfergeson@hotmail.com 325 338 7653

2013 Texas Glory (Abilene)

Jonathan Jones Jonathan.jones@kw.com 3258640550

2033 Texas Glory (Abilene)

Ryan Henson ryanjhenson@gmail.com (325) 665-0893

2K33 Texas Glory (Coahoma)

Billy Ray Newton bilhea@yahoo.com 3252072640

Texas Glory 2K27 (Amarillo)

Zach Ferris zachferris21@hotmail.com 806 236 4201
Central Texas

16u Texas Glory (South)

Kris Donahue krisDonahue@icloud.com

2829 Texas Glory

Chad Briggs Svmbycentex@sbcglobal.net 2544241132

12u Texas Glory (South)

Jeremiah Gabriel texasglorysouth2k13@yahoo.com 512-705-1215

2K15 Texas Glory (South)

Jeremiah Gabriel texasglorysouth2k13@yahoo.com 512-705-1215
Josh Herrera jherrera02@hotmail.com 512 751 1579
Angelica Cabrera dcab626@gmail.com

1415 Texas Glory (CTX)

Scotty Martin 512-577-9830.
Cheyenne Jones Chey.nichole.20@gmail.com 512-269-7156
East Texas

3233 Texas Glory (ETX)

Brandon Beyer softballdad1988@gmail.com 903 335 6252

18u Texas Glory (Venice)

Michael Marino texasglory.marino@gmail.com 941-586-2366

05/06 Texas Glory (Jacksonville)

16u Texas Glory (Tampa Bay)

Phil Harrison pharrison28@gmail.com 6145571882
Michelle Abelson Michelleabelson@gmail.com 716-361-6169
Chris Seals Cseals218@gmail.com 251-401-6510
Sumiko Jividen sjividen@live.com 727-518-5111
Home Base / DFW - North Texas

Texas Glory

Kevin Shelton texasgloryfp@gmail.com 469.236.8838
Keith Allen coachkeithallen@gmail.com 214-876-0724
Shayne Williams txglory2027@gmail.com 214 502 8099
Ryan Nicholson ryanfmi@sbcglobal.net 469 400 5418
Jimmy Graham grahamj12@gmail.com 865 385 1344
Larran Limbaugh 903 715 8723
RJ Howerton
Brianna Rodriguez Coachbri1515@gmail.com 214 796 2258

18u Texas Glory (RWB)

Leigh Ann Budd leighanne.rainey@yahoo.com 972-742-1042
Erik Wood flyingwwoodsteel@yahoo.com 214-546-4583

18u Texas Glory (Gold)

Jeremy Rhoades 214 536 1147
Brian Collins bcollins001@msn.com 817-233-7350
Reed Robbins Reedcooperrobbins@gmail.com (817) 300-1898

Texas Glory 2526

Rickey Hightower rlhightower1@yahoo.com 9036415219

16u Texas Glory

Cedric Coleman coachcoleman@ymail.com 817 371 0561
Pat Grant patgrant19@gmail.com
Victor Gutierrez victorgutierrez705@gmail.com
Eric Peterson ewpete@hotmail.com 940 300 1369

2026 Texas Glory

Danny Norwood dannorwood1818@gmail.com 903 855 9306

16u Texas Glory (RWB)

Erik Wood flyingwwoodsteel@yahoo.com 214-546-4583
Leigh Ann Budd leighanne.rainey@yahoo.com 972-742-1042

2K9 Texas Glory

Gina Knight - Admin / Team Mgr txglory2k9fastpitch@gmail.com
Tuan Knight txglory2k9fastpitch@gmail.com 318 934 3232

2026 Texas Glory (DTX)

Chris Conner Chris.conner1387@gmail.com 469-230-4236

14U Texas Glory (Gold)

Mariah Montgomery mkasey13@icloud.com 402 708 0759
Ryan Allen ryangallen25@yahoo.com

14u Texas Glory

Stacy Gorsuch coachgorsuch@verizon.net 214-621-8009
Shannon Rhodes
Mike Miller mike@texasgloryfastpitch.com 972-292-8431
Mike Lefner mklefner@msn.com 972-821-1742
Shannon R. Rhodes srrhodes2007@gmail.com 682-320-0305

14u Texas Glory (RWB)

Maia Wark maiawark11@gmail.com

2010 Texas Glory

Lukas Hoover (970) 644-1405
Brent Brethour (806) 392-2136
Natalie Johnson (682) 438-1489
Mark Crawford (972) 834-1589
Rachel Neill txglory2010@yahoo.com 817 683 6814

2029 Texas Glory (DFW)

Shay Ristau ristau.23@hotmail.com 940 597 4469

12u Texas Glory

Shannon Rhodes srrhodes2007@gmail.com 682-320-0305
Mike Lefner mklefner@msn.com 972-821-1742
Mike Miller mike@texasgloryfastpitch.com 972-292-8431
Stacy Gorsuch coachgorsuch@verizon.net 214-621-8009

2012 Texas Glory (NTX)

Hector Garay Soapyman86@gmail.com 682-365-8907

2012 Texas Glory

Texas Glory 2K13

Laura Senters senterslaura@gmail.com 469-670-3091
Rob Taylor rtaylorimg@yahoo.com 904-716-5333
Brianna Rodriguez Coachbri1515@gmail.com 214-796-2258
Mary Stephens mstep0294@gmail.com 214-870-4214

2031 Texas Glory

Terra Bryant terrabryant7787@gmail.com
Mary Stephens mstep0294@gmail.com

Texas Glory 2K12 NTX

Jacob Wilson jwilson8992@gmail.com 9722101159

3031 Texas Glory

Lindsey Vaughn Lindsey.vaughn14@gmail.com 214-223-3773
Gabby King 22gabbyking@gmail.com 214-458-1175
Carey Campbell carey_j_campbell@yahoo.de 2018926757

2032 Texas Glory

Josh Boop Jaboop2015@gmail.com 8177740442

2013 Texas Glory

Wiley Childers childerswj@gmail.com 8177339863

Texas Glory 2K14

Phillip Boswell boswell.pb@gmail.com 972 201 8595
MacKenzie Velasquez mackenzievelasquez93@gmail.com 214-770-5055
Kenneth Hollingsworth kenvalhol@gmail.com 469-744-8698

2014 Texas Glory

Jae Kim txglory2014@gmail.com 646 724 0355

3233 Texas Glory

Baltazar Sanchez Baltazarsanchezjr@gmail.com 469 237 4128

2K32 Texas Glory

Craig Martin ceemartin35@gmail.com 214 493 6117
Vonnie Martin Mchavonnia@yahoo.com 214 493 6112

Texas Glory 2K15

Jaclyn Giovannini jgiovannini21@yahoo.com
James Fox Jfox83@icloud.com 469-951-3740

1415 Texas Glory

Amanda Place amandaplace22@gmail.com 214 417 0162

Texas Glory 2K16

Jarred O'Barr jarred.obarr@gmail.com 714-869-6167
Rob Taylor rtaylorimg@yahoo.com 904-716-5333
Javier Alvarez deering013@gmail.com 773-241-4951
Mary Stephens mstep0294@gmail.com 214-870-4214

2K34 Texas Glory

Vonnie Martin Mchavonnia@yahool.com 214 493 6112
Craig Martin ceemartin35@gmail.com 214 493 6117

3334 Texas Glory

Keri D. Spivey kdspiveyand2@gmail.com 8172330318

2017 Texas Glory

Antonio Acevedo coachacevedo@gmail.com 9032748080
Houston Area

18u Texas Glory (HTX)

Mike Abel coachmiketxg@gmail.com 8327315665

07 Texas Glory (HTX)

Gary Hayes coachgary1998@gmail.com 832 216 7283

07 Texas Glory (KTX)

Joe Kirby josephkirby@ymail.com 817-781-7589

Texas Glory 2K10 (MBTX)

2029 Texas Glory (KTX)

Rick Bailey rbailey524@gmail.com 215-500-7004

2011 Texas Glory (HTX)

Chris Hartnett chartnett37@yahoo.com 409 692 9628
Illinois / Iowa

2526 Texas Glory (Stl Metro)

Lenny Rakers (618) 531-8658
Dave Wright (217) 971-8951)
Earl Macam txglorystlmetro2526@gmail.com 765-301-0428

07 Texas Glory (IL-Red)

Brian Steward texasgloryred0704@gmail.com 309-530-9994

07 Texas Glory (IL-Quad Cities)

Robbie Hudnall shankit44@gmail.com 309-912-5022
Julie Hudnall Juliev0712@gmail.com 309-269-4747
Phillip Cook Candlbaits@gmail.com 530-249-2991

2007 Texas Glory (IL-2K7)

2009 Texas Glory 09 (IL)

Ken Meisner Kmeisner99@yahoo.com 309-212-8732

09 Texas Glory (IL-QC)

Rolando Medina rjmedina88@gmail.com 309 948 4372

2010 Texas Glory (IL)

Jake Montague montaguejacobw@gmail.com 309 738 3471

2930 Texas Glory (Iowa)

Randy Rosa Randyrosa4449@gmail.com 563 547 0156

2029-2030 Texas Glory (IL)

Mike Wyatt wyatt_311@hotmail.com 309-660-1720

2012 Texas Glory (IL)

Shawn Kobel pythonsoftball@gmail.com 309-261-3193

3031 Texas Glory (Iowa)

Randy Rosa Randyrosa4449@gmail.com 563 547 0156

2015 Texas Glory (QC)

Michael Jevyak Mjevyak@gmail.com 563-529-4025

2K16 Texas Glory (IL)

Jessica Rivera JR.TexasGlory@gmail.com 309-262-6144

18u Texas Glory (Indiana)

David Duncan david.duncan93@yahoo.com 7657761469

28/29 Texas Glory (Indiana)

Travis Miller travisbroncos7elway@yahoo.com
Tim White timwhite115@gmail.com
Don Rice donald.rice82@gmail.com
Eric Johnson kjej1028@gmail.com

16u Texas Glory (KS)

Steve Cross 07TexasGloryKansas@gmail.com 316-765-1344

18u Texas Glory (LA)

Ron Naomi gatorsrone@mail.com 337 303 2564

14u Texas Glory (LA)

Ron Naomi gatorsrone@mail.com 337 303 2564

18u Texas Glory (WTX)

Paul Morales morales.txglory@outlook.com 575 964 3027

2K12 Texas Glory (WTX)

Rusty Miller Rusty@ramweldinginc.com 8177290324

Texas Glory (Midwest) 07

Tarrah Beyster Beystert00@yahoo.com 503-930-6864
Ryan Vinco ryan@encorereis.com 313-516-6873
Wally Filipiak waltfilipiak@hotmail.com 313-300-7875

08 Texas Glory (Ohio)

Lenny Bowles ebowles5611@sbcglobal.net (330) 265-6374

09 Texas Glory (WTX)

Zac Williams Ztw_85@hotmail.com 4322505322

2930 Texas Glory (Midland)

Mando Ramos mandoramos0@gmail.com 432-703-6836

2K13 Texas Glory (Midland)

Heaven Kovach Hkovach89@gmail.com 817-805-5522

18U Texas Glory (STL)

Barbara Pettiford barbiepettiford@gmail.com 314-973-2989
Juan Pettiford Juanep19@hotmail.com

08 Texas Glory (STL)

Leo Seiler leoseiler90@gmail.com 636-346-8533
Chuck Twellmann Cdtwellmann@yahoo.com 314-497-8443

26/27 Texas Glory (KCMO)

Jacob Gorrow jgorrow@outlook.com 816-885-4557

0809 Texas Glory (Nebraska)

Paulo Flores pauloflores29@yahoo.com 4027077030

2627 Texas Glory (NEOK)

Jordan Renz valrenz@hotmail.com 918-645-9805

3031 Texas Glory (OK)

Quay Matheny msquay80@gmail.com

2014 Texas Glory (Texoma)

Spencer Barrett spencer@allovertexoma.com 918 504 8971

2032 Texas Glory (OK)


Texas Glory (PA)

Anthony Mangieri fire.mung5@gmail.com 724 714 5028
San Antonio

2012 Texas Glory (SATX)

Tony Kinkade
Madison Nunn
Colby Albright colbyalbright89@gmail.com 2105528171
South Texas

2031 Texas Glory (Tenn)

Brian Sanders briansanders383@hotmail.com 931-278-9777
WTX / El Paso

1718 Texas Glory (WTX)

Kayla Engle Kayrae10@yahoo.com 9154971507

Misc. Contacts
Mike Miller - Chief Tech. Officer mike@texasgloryfastpitch.com 972-292-8431
Reed Robbins - Director of Player / Team Development rrobbins@firehousesubs.com 817 300 1898
Randy Hale - VP Events r13hale@gmail.com 2144545900
Keith Allen - Director of Hitting coachkeithallen@gmail.com 214 876 0724